---Do you work track meets at different levels and sometimes wonder if a certain rule is a high school, NCAA
or USATF rule? Like to know who allows pacing by LED lights, has strict restrictions on visible
undergarments, doesn’t allow the use of drones or lets throwers to use another’s implement without permission?
---Do you sometimes need to look up a rule quickly?
---Do you hate to carry around five rulebooks and find that some contain very poor indexes?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” help is available. Track and Field Rule Book
Differences is a lightweight, paperback book that can easily be carried with you at track meets. In an easy-to-read
chart format, it shows high school (NFHS), college (NCAA), open (USATF) and international (World Athletics &
WMA) rule differences.
Rules are organized by category (general rules, combined events, running events, relays, general field
events, horizontal jumps, vertical jumps, throwing events, race walks and record requirements.) For this reason,
one can find a particular rule almost instantly by simply scanning the appropriate category. The actual rule number
is cited next to each rule so the book can be used as an index for all four rulebooks. Included are up-to-date
implement and hurdle charts, which are especially useful for Masters, Junior, and Age Group competitions.
The 2025 edition will be shipped in January 2025. It has over 200 changes from the 2024 edition, an indoor
hurdles chart, implements charts, time limits, and a tie-breaking section on a single page. Six or more orders
to the same address get free shipping---an $18 or more savings! Order on-line at: jim.hanley.cc
Or send $20 ($17 cost plus $3.00 shipping) for each book up to five and the information below